NASAA Connect

NASAA Connect is an online discussion community designed specifically for you, the members of the North American Securities Administrators Association. This resource is desgned to provide members with a platform to interact, learn and connect with other professionals in state and provincial securities regulation..

Here are some of the features of NASAA Connect:

  • Discussion Forums
  • Email Notifications
  • Ability to reply to posts via email
  • Group Resources
  • Group News
  • Group Events
  • Group Links
  • Private Messages
  • Rich User Profiles
  • And more!

How To Connect

  1. Log into NASAA Connect at using your current NASAA username and password.
  2. Update your profile and photo by clicking My Profile.
  3. View groups you're in by clicking My Groups.
  4. Join some Groups by clicking Find Groups to Join.
  5. Start a discussion by clicking Post New Discussion from the Discussions tab of any group.
  6. Reply to a discussion by clicking Reply… from within the discussion online OR by replying to a discussion email notification.